HR Portal

A comprehensive HR solution in one centralized location.

We create human resource-oriented portals to help organizations simplify the recruitment and employment, management, and evaluation of employees, as well as dealing with their requirements, monitoring compliance with policies and procedures.

In one place you can find everything you need to increase the productivity of your HR team.



  • HR portal modules

    Employee records 

    The employee records contain all relevant and additional information about the employee (name and surname; education; additional qualifications; date of birth; religious holiday; residential address; marital status; number of children; attached documentation related to the employee; number of days off; vacation requests and paid leave; start and end of employment; AD account; team; primary and secondary superiors; assigned rights over HR portal).

    Holiday records

    • Simply steps in applying
    • Automated process of scheduling and canceling vacation with email notification
    • An up-to-date overview of all vacation requests

    Records of paid leave

    • Great amount reason selection for employee absence
    • Fully automated process with already predefined parameters for submitting leave requests
    • Email notifications with generated leave decision

  • Fast search

    It is possible to make fast search for employees according to various criteria, as well as an up-to-date overview of all employee requests that can be filtered by resolution status (approved, rejected, canceled or pending), for easier and faster work.

  • Automated processes

    The processes of scheduling annual leave and submitting requests for paid leave with systematic checks of the required number of days are automated.

    When submitting requests, as well as the response of superiors and HR services to these requests, notifications are sent by email to all relevant parties.

    It is possible to group and individually approve, reject, or cancel requests, as well as change the data of employees on the HR portal.

    The decision-making process is also automated. It is possible to easily make changes in the created forms of the Solution for annual leave and the Solution for paid leave, which are in the libraries of the HR portal.

    At the beginning of each year, by starting the workflow, the list of annual leave of employees is updated by adding new days of annual leave to previously unused days of the annual.

